Thursday, January 28, 2010

The Book of Eli

When: Friday, January 22nd.

How Long: 1 hour, 58 minutes.

Where: Regal Manchester, suckahs! 295 Regal points, yo!

Why: Because I heard from a friend that it was amazing, and because RUF was going.

Expectations: Fairly high. Aforementioned friend said it was phenomenal. Denzel Washington is pretty good. Plus the name just sounds cool.

What I ate while I watched: Here's a heavy one: I had a 20oz Mountain Dew, along with a pack of Sour Patch Kids and about a quarter of a pound of cookie dough bites. Lovely. Also: Diabetes.

Directors: Albert & Allen Hughes.

Starring: Denzel Washington, Gary Oldman, Mila Kunis.

Two Sentence Synopsis: A man walks across post-apocalyptic U.S. protecting a sacred book
from the leader of a settlement where he stopped. A young girl from the settlement helps him bring the book to a place where it is needed and will be safe.

My Favorite Part or Quote was:
Solara: I'm sorry about the book
Eli: It's okay. I've spent so long trying to protect it that I forgot to follow what it said.
How Fun It Was: There were exactly not very much funny parts. But some of the actions was pretty sweet. On a side note, is it a bad thing that I recognized one of the guns in the film from playing Call of Duty?

The Positives: The acting was pretty impressive, especially after the twist is revealed. Also, the action was well done, if out of place. By far, however, the message was the best part--very allegorical and thought provoking. Also, for the Christian audience, very practical and insightful.

The Negatives: The action was a tad overdone at one or two parts. It would have fit in a purely action flick, but it seeemed a little out of place for this film. Also, it went a little slow. But that wasn't a huge negative. I thought it built up really well.

The Theology, Philosophy, Morality or Application: Excellent. A clear message about walking by faith, and also about valuing and living out the Word.

One thing I learned: You can protect the truth and live the Bible at the same time.

The ending:Stellar. Very well done. Except for putting the book between the Qu'ran and the Torah. That was just dumb and overtly and unnecessarily politically correct.

Go/Rent/Buy/Don't: Go see it. Now. Or I will defenestrate you.

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