Friday, November 20, 2009

I'm Reed Fish


What: I'm Reed Fish

When: 21st of September, maybe...or somewhere thereabout.

How Long: 1 hour, 33 minutes

Where: The Netflix instant queue/50" plasma-screen HDTV in my house.

Why (/Expectations): Some people who were over said it was a good flick; I had never heard of it before I watched it, so my expectations were fairly low.

What I ate while I watched: Nothing, unfortunately.

Director: Zackary Adler

Author: Reed Fish (based on his book)

Starring: Jay Baruchel, Alexis Bledel (hey! rhymage!)

Two Sentence Synopsis: Reed Fish grew up under his father's legacy as radio anchor in the small town of Mud Meadows. His engagement to Kate is complicated when Jill, his old high school crush, returns home.

My Favorite Part or Quote was: "Easy to get a beer gut when you own a bar. You don't even notice as it happens. Then all of a sudden, you look down and you can't even see your own damn shoes anymore. Yeah, I can't wait for that day."

How Fun It Was: Pretty funny, definitely not a comedy but definitely enough to keep it comical.

The Positives: Entertaining throughout, and emotionally engaging. It may have just been the way that Reed's sentiments and condition resonated with my own, but I felt like it really forced you to give a crap about how things ended up.

The Negatives: The ending, as I'll explain more later. That is my biggest and only major negative criticism.

The Theology, Philosophy, Morality or Application: Good points about living life, your own life. The application was more implicit though: you have to look at how the characters are acting and realize that there needs to be something better.

One thing I learned: That have been more of an ass than I previously thought. Also, that I can absolutely adore a movie and still not like it.

The ending: I didn't like it. At all. I completely think he should have ended up with the other girl. Or that the movie should have ended when his movie actually ended (you'll have to see it to know what I'm talking about).

Go/Rent/Buy/Don't: Well it's out of theaters, so you can't see it there anymore, but I definitely think it's worth the rental. I would buy it, but that's because it resonated with me.

As I have declared before, it is rare that something resonates with me so much that evokes heartfelt emotion. But when it does, it is powerful. This movie was such an occurrence.

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