Thursday, December 3, 2009

Ninja Assassin


What: Ninja Assasin

When: Tuesday, December 2.

How Long: 1 hour, 33 minutes.

Where: Regal Manchester Cinemas in Rock Hill, SC.

Why: Jeff got the guys together to go see it after RUF, and I'd already wanted to go see it.

Expectations: A weak storyline coupled with overdone 300-esque action and violence.

What I ate while I watched: Mike and Ike's and a snuck-in 20 oz. Mountain Dew.

Director: James McTeigue.

Starring: Rain, Ben Miles, Naomi Harris

Two Sentence Synopsis: An orphan raised in one of the nine ninja clans turns on the man who raised and trained him to be a heartless killer. With the help of two Europol agents he attempts to overthrow the clan he was raised in.

My Favorite Part or Quote was: The warehouse fight scene that spilled out into the street. Seeing straight up Ninjutsu fighting in a busy European street with cars whizzing by was pretty magnificent.

How Fun It Was: Not "funny," but a lot of fun to watch--a very entertaining film. For a guy at least.

The Positives: Surprisingly, the storyline. Much more dynamic then I was expecting. There were a few small plot holes, but not so unbelievable. The fighting choreography was also very well done. The way in which the traditional Ninja moves (hiding in the shadows, throwing Ninja stars, etc.) were stylized was enjoyable as well.

The Negatives: The overdone blood and gore. They took a page right out of 300's book, except they made it a lot more exaggerated, to the point where it would make it unenjoyable to someone who doesn't like that kind of thing. Also, the "special heart" nonsense with a heart on the right side of you chest was pretty dumb.

The Theology, Philosophy, Morality or Application: Not really much there. A little bit of "follow your heart" sort of mantra could be found, but the main point was Ninja kick-assery.

One thing I learned: Few things in my life will be as awesome as anything any one of the Ninjas did in the film.

The ending: Was pretty well done. The solid culmination to a surprisingly dynamic storyline.

Go/Rent/Buy/Don't: If you are a man who likes good action, go. If you do not like blood and gore then please do not go! You will not be pleased. I think it's definitely worth the rental or $2 movie fare.


  1. What movie theatre are you going to to only pay $2?!?

    Hah! kick-assery.

  2. There is a cheap theater in Rock Hill that gets the movies later--around the time they come out on disc, and it only costs $2.

    Yeah, I thought that would be a fun word.
